Lowongan Kerja JUNI 2014 Di DKI JAKARTA

Lowongan Kerja JUNI 2014 Di DKI JAKARTA. Pada kesempatan hari ini admin akan memberikan info tentang Lowongan Kerja JUNI 2014 Di DKI JAKARTA, mungkin untuk anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang lowongan kerja pas banget kalau anda mampir kepostingan saya karena saya akan memberikan beberapa lowongan kerja yang di wilayah DKI Jakarta mungkin untuk kalian yang belum bekerja sangat pas sekali anda mencoba lowongan kerja yang sudah saya update untuk anda, jadi langsung saja yaa disimak info lowongan di DKI Jakrta yang sudah saya update untuk anda dibawah ini:




Macdonald & Company is the leading professional recruitment consultancy for the real estate, built environment, energy and environmental sectors. Established in 1994 and headquartered in the UK, we apply local knowledge with true global connection through our offices in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. Our specialist teams act for every class of organisation owning, occupying, financing or advising on property, construction and engineering – developers, investors, institutions, funds, banks, consultancies and contractors. We are the preferred recruitment partner of RICS - the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. The Company’s Energy & Environmental division acts for clients across oil and gas, maritime, utilities, natural resources, power generation, renewable energy and sustainability sectors. Our Singapore based Generalist team specialises in the Solar, Semiconductor, Industrial, Engineering and Technology Industries.
Prime Insight is Macdonald & Companies division working with Insight/Analytics professionals, Servicing the entire APAC region from Singapore we recruit,
Analytical Consultants (SAS/SPSS/R users), Web Analysts (Omniture/Google Analytics users), Econometricians (Media Return on Investment), CRM Analysts (Modellers, Campaign Selection/Evaluation), Market Researchers, Category Managers
Macdonald & Company is a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange quoted Prime People Plc.

"People make the difference. We connect you to that difference."

Project Manager

A large Indonesian property development firm are currently looking to appoint three new experienced Indonesian project managers to take lead management responsibility of various large mixed use developments just about to be launched. The ideal candidate would have a background in civil or mechanical engineering with experience in the construction business either as part of a well recognized developer or construction management company. They should have managed at least one single construction cycle of a high-rise building. This is an exceptional opportunity to join one of the country's largest and most highly respected property firms working on flagship projects in Depok, Bogor and Tangereng.

Interested candidates please send your resume to: ckiernan@macdonaldandcompany.com


PT. Reed Panorama Exhibitions

PT Reed Panorama Exhibitions (RPE) is a joint venture between the world's leading event organizer Reed Exhibitions and Indonesia's leading MICE and travel company, Panorama Group. RPE aims to create professional, quality business to business platforms by working closely with relevant government agencies, industry partners, trade associations, venue owners, contractors and customers so as to deliver events for the industry by the industry. Currently, RPE organizes seven events in Indonesia, serving the franchising and licensing, maritime, mining, renovation and construction, and the consumer sectors with its biannual Grand Wedding Expo and annual Maternity, Baby & Kids Expo.

At this time RPE is seeking qualified candidate with GENERAL skills and competencies:

Project Coordinator - Jakarta Raya

Provide administrative support on-site as assigned, as processing of contracts and invoices etc.
Provide telephone support on incoming mails, screen where necessary, and distribute messages and forward calls and messages to the appropriate person
Make outgoing calls for exhibitor follow-up, RSVP or prospect qualification as assigned
Maintenance of show databases (prospects/exhibitors) and stock level of shows promotional materials
Monitor payment status
Travel when required for assigned shows

Diploma in any discipline; preferable with at least 1 year's experience
Versatile, independent and able to handle at least 2 projects at any one time
Very well organized, meticulous and innovative
Has a flair for customer service and would want to develop a sales or marketing career
Demonstrated good teamwork and organizing skills
Computer proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
Fresh graduates will also be considered

Please send your resume and photograph, stating your current and expected salary to:
HR Manager
Panorama Building 5th floor,
JL. Tomang Raya No 63 Jakarta 11440
Email: hrd@reedpanorama.com



Market leader dalam bidang industri membutuhkan beberapa tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:


Wanita, max 35 thn
Pendidikan SMU sederajat s/d Sarjana
Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
Komunikatif dan mudah menjalin relationship dengan customers
Percaya diri, bermotivasi kuat dan dapat bekerja sama dalam team
Jujur, ulet, tanggung jawab, pantang menyerah dan mau bekerja keras
Mampu mengoperasikan computer
Fresh graduate are welcome.
Diutamakan berdomisili Jakarta Barat dan sekitarnya

Kirim lamaran lengkap ke email: hrd.ditajaya@gmail.com / rubensiregar10@yahoo.co.id



Koperasi Pegawai PLN Sektor Priok bergerak dibidang jasa yang sedang berkembang yang berada di Jl RE Martadinata Tanjung Priok,membuka Lowongan Kerja dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:


ljasah minimal D3 teknik Pria
Usia maksimal 27 pada bulan juni 2014
Berdomisili jabodetabek
Mampu bekerja secara tim, dan memiliki kepribadian yang jujur
Memiliki jiwa leadership
Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemeliharaan dan pengoperasian AC
Siap di sertifikasi AC

Job description:
Membuat laporan administrasi housekeeping, AC, Helper
Melakukan visit ke lapangan pekerjaan
Memonitor kebersihan di lingkungan area pekerjaan
Melakukan pengecekan personil housekeeping/helper pemeliharaan
Membuat rencana kerja & anggaran ( tahunan )
Melakukan pekerjaan lain yang berkaitan dengan administrasi housekeeping/AC/Helper
Melakukan dan menggunakan program enterprise

Mengajukan lamaran tertulis dengan melampirkan sebagai berikut:
Permohonan Surat Lamaran Kerja & daftar riwayat hidup
Foto ukuran 2x3, 3x4, 4x6 ( masing-masing 2 lembar)
Foto copy KTP ( DKI / Jabodetabek )
Fotocopy ljasah terakhir yang dilegalisir
FotoCopy Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik(SKKB) Yang masih berlaku.
FotoCopy Surat Keterangan Sehatdari Dokter

Lamaran harap dikirim melalui email ke: recruitment@kopega-priok.co.id

Itulah info seputar Lowongan Kerja JUNI 2014 Di DKI JAKARTA yang sudah saya bagikan untuk anda, semoga bermanfaat untuk anda yang belum bekerja dan juga yang sedang mencari info lowongan kerja, lihat juga Lowongan Kerja Terbaru DKI JAKARTA Juni 2014. Terimakasih sudah melihat info diatas.